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Close Up Magic

When it is up close, its magical!

Close up: Service

Close Up Magic


Close up magic is performed right in front of the audience, usually while standing in groups during a party or individual performances right at your guests tables. Imagine having a fellow guest at the party walk up engage you and a few friends in conversation then begin performing magic right in front of your eyes. Anyways, I am an expert in doing this and you are gonna love it

blurred card toss.
Playing cards falling

Performances You Can Trust...

Magical photo of her deep concentration.

Out of all of his shows, nothing brings the “wow” factor quite like Close up Magic.

Adrian's Close Up act is bound to put a smile on your face. Whether you are looking for a simple walk about or close up at the table, He can always create something your guests will enjoy. Count on him to make your event truly entertaining. Get in touch today to learn more about what he can do for you.

Look into my eyes.
Amazing reactions.

With Close up magic, no two events are the same. He performs different tricks for each event that’s tailored to his specific audience. I’m sure you’ll appreciate the effort he puts into each one. Curious to find out more? Get in touch with him to learn about upcoming performances.

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